Pauline Cooley

Energy Led Healing and Reiki Master

Pauline is a well-known professional with expertise in Hypnotherapy, Reiki, Life Coaching, and Empowerment Training. Her mission is to empower individuals globally to harness their personal power and achieve their desired life. She holds a degree in Business from Trinity College Dublin and has completed various training programs such as Rapid Transformation Therapy (RTT) with Marisa Peer, Empowerment Practitioner with the Empowerment Institute in NYC, Life & Professional Coaching with the Irish Lifecoach Institute, Unleash Your Power Within with Tony Robbins, Inner Engineering with Sadhguru, and The Science of Happiness and Wellbeing with Yale University.

Pauline has created a unique six-week Coaching Program that has been recognized as “Life Changing,” and she works with people both individually and in groups around the world.

If you would like to make an appointment with Pauline or any of the other Mindology therapists please email, or phone (045) 855559